A map of canada with the canadian provinces colored in.

Clan MacLeod Societies of Canada - CMSC

Who are we?

​Throughout the centuries MacLeods have been know for their devotion to their Chief, the tenacity with which they have maintained the ancient Dunvegan Castle, their appreciation of music and Gaelic lore, their outstanding record in the professions and their loyalty to one another.

  • Do the pipes stir your soul?
  • Are you, or an ancestor, a Macleod or from a MacLeod Sept?
  • ​Do you love Scottish culture , music and dancing?
  • ​Are you proud to wear a kilt or tartan? Would you like to?
  • ​Are you researching your family tree?
  • Do you want your children to know their cultural roots?

​Then we invite you to join your local and worldwide Clan MacLeod family.

How do I Join a Clan MacLeod Society in Canada?

  • Fill in and return your local Clan MacLeod Society membership form. Application forms for some of the Canadian societies can be found here:-​
  • Glengarry
  • ​​Ottawa
  • Central Ontario
  • Manitoba
  • Southern Alberta
  • BC Interior
  • Vancouver
  • Vancouver Island
  • If you do not have a local Clan MacLeod society then we suggest that you join the National Society of Clan MacLeod Canada . Application form can be found here:-​ National Society
  • If you are unable to locate contact information for your local society then just drop us and email via "Contact Us" on this website and we will get you connected.

Hold Fast​​

A large body of water with a cliff in the background.