A large body of water with a boat in the middle.
A woman with white hair wearing a scarf.

President's Message

I have been involved in Clan MacLeod and other Scottish activities since I was a toddler. My parents, Dr. Hugh (Past President of CMSC) and Irene MacCrimmon developed a strong interest in our family genealogy and in the history of the famous MacCrimmon Pipers from the Isle of Skye.  Throughout my life, I have been so privileged to be immersed in many Scottish activities. I have been involved in Highland Dancing as a dancer, teacher and adjudicator. I learned to play the chanter and bagpipes, acquired Scottish Country Dancing teaching credentials and enjoy “calling” ceilidh dances at Scottish events. I have, since retiring from teaching school, become interested in my family genealogy, working to organize and computerize the extensive family information collected by my parents through many years of genealogical research. (Wish me luck!)

Our family attended many Clan Parliaments at Dunvegan Castle on the Isle of Skye. My first was in 1968 and I have been fortunate to attend almost every one since then. MacLeods and members of MacLeod septs from all around the world attend these gatherings which are held every four years. During this weeklong gathering, social events, ceilidhs, day trips, business meetings and workshops lead to strong bonds of friendships between MacLeods worldwide. Our next Clan MacLeod Parliament will be held July 22 - July 28, 2023 in the village of Dunvegan.

North American Gatherings (NAGs) are held in the middle year between Parliaments with locations alternating between Canada and the USA.  The next one will be held in the summer of 2024 in Livonia, Michigan.

Our local Clan MacLeod Societies across Canada welcome members to attend ceilidhs, dinners and programs for old and young from coast to coast. Members manning Clan tents at Highland Games and Scottish events are eager to answer questions and share information about the Clan MacLeod. Join in, drop by!
Taking on the presidency of CMSC is another wonderful opportunity to meet MacLeods across Canada and around the world. I am hopeful that travel will be safer and more accessible in the near future. I have so many MacLeod friends to visit and many new MacLeods to meet- hopefully YOU will be one!

Becoming a member of the Clan MacLeod Society, whether your name is MacLeod with it’s various spellings, or your name is a sept of the clan, or simply as a ‘friend of the clan”, brings many opportunities for camaraderie and friendship. You will be able to:

*Participate in social and cultural events locally
*Extend your knowledge of Scottish history and genealogy
*Attend the Clan MacLeod Parliament in Dunvegan, Isle of Skye held every 4 years
*Participate in North American Gatherings which occur alternately in Canada
and USA every 4 years between Clan Parliaments
*Receive the international Clan MacLeod Magazine twice yearly
*Take advantage of genealogy and DNA projects
*Enjoy the fellowship and friendship of others interested in the heritage and culture of Scotland

On behalf of Chief Hugh Magnus MacLeod of MacLeod, Torquil Donald Macleod- Chief of the Lewes, and John Macleod- Chief of the Macleods of Ramsay, I invite you to join fellow clans folk from Australia, Belgium, Canada, England, France, Germany, New Zealand, Scotland, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States of America. Membership recruitment is a focus of each Clan MacLeod Society with the goal of extending, strengthening and enriching the ties we all have with our heritage and each other. Young people are especially welcome as they are the future of our organization through whom the legacy of our heritage is passed.  Many young adults have made strong friendships through their participation as members of the NRG in Parliament years.

Please join The Clan MacLeod Societies of Canada!  I am looking forward to connecting with MacLeods from across Canada and beyond! If you have questions, comments or feedback, please let me know through our “CONTACT” page and I, or one of the Canadian Society Presidents, will be happy to respond to you.


Yours in Clanship,

Carol MacCrimmon​

President of Clan MacLeod Societies of Canada - CMSC

email: [email protected]